Monday, May 24, 2010


I’m quite confused when I think about Microsoft. Until not so long ago the vast majority of people couldn’t have mentioned any alternative to Windows as the exploitation systems of its computer.  Almost every mass computer users (including myself) thought that it was Windows or nothing; that any computer in the world had this Windows logo every time you turned it on! Now with new competitors appearing on the scene, such as Apple, Microsoft has lost a lot of ground and notoriety and customers no longer associate Windows as been the only option. Something completely unheard only a few years ago.

Why is Microsoft not the same anymore?

I will start by talking about the reliability of its systems. I don’t remember any new Microsoft product release (Windows 2000, NT, XP and even the last Vista) that wasn’t followed by a press release announcing some defects on its applications and talking about imminent updates to correct them… This also turned out as a joke… “I’m not buying this Windows version… I’m waiting for the good one to come out”. Microsoft has suffered a lot as a result of those recurrent errors. More than any other industry I believe that, in the Computer Industry, it is vital to have the support and respect of experts. I’ve talked to many computer engineers in the different companies I’ve worked for and outside… NOT A SINGLE ONE has talked well of Windows and Microsoft… I’m aware that this “hate” of Microsoft has became a kind of fashion, but it would be quite naive to believe that there is no other reason behind it...(**)

I believe that this lack of reliability has deteriorated Microsoft’s name and image and has “helped” people to transfer to alternative competitors’ offers.

Apart from reliability Microsoft has lost a lot of ground in terms of marking tendencies, marketing and communication. Until recently Microsoft was the guide of what was going to be done in the future, of what customers were going to need tomorrow at home and in their office… This role is now taken care of by Apple, who innovates and anticipates in a better way the customers’ real needs. Strange when you think Microsoft spends around 10 billion a year on R&D compared to the relatively “tiny” 1,2 billion spent by Apple. What is Microsoft spending those 10 billion on? The same applies in marketing… Who remembers Windows Vista’s last release? Even if it was an important release in the “computer world” (we’re talking about a 60 billion annual revenue company!!!) it was not even close to be as successful as Apple’s recent Iphone release or the buzz they created more recently with the ipad. There’s no comparison… Apple definitely monopolizes the attention and creates huge expectations every time it releases a new product, and this since the Ibook.  Microsoft’s new releases are not what they were anymore.

Is Microsoft losing its identity?

What happened to this company that was always leading and guiding the market? Microsoft recently released Vista which happened to be very similar to Apple’s Mac OS interface... Have Microsoft become a follower?

To finish I would like to add that I haven’t talked about other products that Microsoft developed such as the X-Box (its game console), Zune (its MP3 player)… because I believe they are other failures of the brand in terms of communication. When everybody associates the Ipod, Iphone, Ipad, Itunes.. to Apple not many people are aware that Microsoft also develops other products than exploitation systems… Was this Microsoft’s marketing strategy with those new products? Did they want to ensure the customer didn’t associate them with Microsoft’s brand? If yes this reinforces my point that Microsoft no longer has the good image it used to have.

Will Microsoft manage to get its notoriety back? We’ll find out very soon…

(**)As an anecdote I’d like to say that I’ve also heard somebody comparing having a PC with Windows to having a nice Audi and possessing a Mac to driving a Ferrari! I loved the comparison so, after (I bought a mac) I swore to myself that I was going to use the comparison again… So there you go!


  1. for the normal personal computer user, i 100% agree that apple is the best option =)
    The things turn bad though, when you work in a big enterprise. The switch cost are just to high. I remember back at work, every piece of technology they gave me was old and not user friendly! I was using Windows XP (which at least worked) and Office 2002!!! incredible but true, isn't it?

    I just enjoyed to arrive home and start my mac. My wife always wondered how I could turn on my computer after >10 hour office work... I always told her "believe me, what I have back at work, is not a computer, is a piece of crap..." =)

    Now with google, small enterprises have finally a nice good and affordable alternative solution. I wonder if google will manage to get also bigger enterprises in their portfolio...but here, google still need to learn about a lot (in my humble opinion)

  2. jajajaja! Funny comment! Thanks Guerson. You know that I'm a recent Mac user, but I definitely won't go back to PCs and Windows after... The difference is huge! Do you think Microsoft's developer are aware of that? In what does Microsoft spend its R&D budgets???

  3. You should try with linux guys. Easy to use, safe, strong built, reliable and more than affordable, free.

    Try to start Ubuntu or some easy distro and you'll see the difference.
