Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Here I am... writing on this blog again!!! For people that know me well this might be surprising, as they know I'm not a good writer and I don't like to put ideas "on paper"... But I decided to follow Enrique Dans' elective in the 5th and last term of my MBA at IE... and, as he wanted us to do in his course about Information System we took in 1st term, Enrique wants us to experiment technology, the web 2.0 and the blogosphere,... he wants us to interact with other bloggers and see what creating a community means. After taking his course and learning so much in it in the first term of the MBA, I knew I needed to take this course to keep developing my "internet skills",... So here I am... writing on a blog again. Let's play the game and learn with it!  
In the next 3 or 4 weeks many amazing guest speakers will visit us in Enrique Dans "Managing the Tech Startup"'s elective so, I will be posting article about their presentations. 
Please feel free to comment, ask, answer or anything you want on this blog. This is the whole point of it... interact with all of you.
Guest speakers that will be visiting us in the next weeks: 
Julio Alonso (Weblogs, S.L.)
Jorge Mata (MyAlert, Berggi)
Pedro Jareño (Minube.com)
Jesús Encinar (Idealista) 
Bernhard Niesner (Busuu.com) 
David Blanco (Tractis)
Roberto Saint-Malo, Adara Venture Partners 
Rodolfo Carpintier, Digital Assets Deployment (DAD)
Zaryn Dentzel (Tuenti)
Bernardo Hernández, (Google, Tuenti, Flores Frescas, StepOne, etc.)

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